Friday, November 9, 2012


The site was busy yesterday as cement trucks queued up to pour our foundation walls.

The guy on the left has the big-boy remote that controls the cement;
the guy on the right is pouring the cement into the wall.
The guy on the left is stirring the cement in the walls to eliminate air pockets.
Val is smoothing the top of the cement.
The guys keep busy while they switch the empty cement truck for a full one:
They fill the shorter walls on the south side with the cement remaining in the lines while
previously filled walls are stirred to remove air pockets and smoothed.
The walls will dry and cure over the weekend, and next week the forms will be removed. If all goes well, framing should start on Thursday.

While we were on site watching the cement pour, we marveled at how small the house looks under the big, open sky. With walls delineating the spaces, we can see the area that will encompass the guest bedroom, bath and closet -- and boy, does it look tiny! Walking through it made it seem somewhat more reasonable, but this is the wonder of building: Rooms that seem plenty big on plans and when measured out and compared to our current home seem unbelievably small when there's no roof to contain them. We just have to remember that open air is deceptive, and to have faith in our plans.

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